This week in Reception class, our young learners delved into the enchanting world of “The Gruffalo” by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler. It has been a week filled with creativity and exploration as we brought the story to life through various hands-on activities. Clay Models: The children had a fa
In Geography, Year Two have been learning all about the world’s continents, oceans and climate zones. They have used atlases to identify where these are in the world as well as countries close to the equator and the North and South Poles. To begin, the children learned that there are seven continent
To launch our topic ‘Sense of Place’, the boys and girls have been learning about the UK and practising their atlas skills. They began by recapping previous learning and naming the four countries which make up the UK before identifying them on a map. They were then introduced to the term county,
In Geography, the boys and girls have been learning about rural and urban areas. They began by exploring what these terms mean and identifying rural and urban areas from photographs. They then compared maps of Harlow Green over the years and concluded that it has changed from a rural area into an
Year 4 have been studying mountains this term, and to finish off our Geography topic we took a trip to the hilliest park we could find (Wharton Park – Durham – our version of a mini-mountain). Whilst there, we took part in some orienteering and compass work all around the park, run by Durham County
This term in Geography, Year Two have been learning about rural Uganda. They have compared their life in Harlow Green to a child’s life in rural Uganda. First, the children found out what rural and urban mean. They identified that a rural place is in the countryside and does not have many people l
This week in reception we have been exploring the South Pole. We began by reading ‘Lost and Found’ by Oliver Jeffers that tells the story of a little boy who finds a lost penguin and must travel across the treacherous ocean to find his home in the South Pole. We discussed what the weather is li
This week Nursery have been on a journey to China to celebrate the Chinese New Year. We have learnt all about the celebration of ‘Chinese New Year’ and explored their culture, looking at how it id different and similar to our own New Years celebration. We found that this year is the year of the Drag
This week, Reception have been celebrating the festival of Chinese New Year and have taken part in a lot of exciting activities throughout the week. We began by reading the story ‘Lanterns and Fireworks’ which tells the story of Chinese New Year. We learnt that fireworks are let off to scare a
Year 4 have thoroughly enjoyed their Geography topic this half term, all about mountains. They have learnt about how the structure of the Earth affects its features. Using pieces of paper, they demonstrated how the Earth’s tectonic plates can move in different ways to create mountains and volcanoes,