Chinese New year This week the children have been learning about the celebration of ‘Chinese New Year’. We have taken a dive into their culture and explored how it is different to us. We have tried Chinese dancing, looked at their outfits and what they do to celebrate New Year – dragon dances,
This week, the boys and girls in Reception have been learning all about Chinese New Year. We read a story about the Chinese zodiac and learnt that this year is the year of the Tiger. We had lots of fun during our choosing times playing in our role play Chinese restaurant, painting blossom pictur
This term in Geography we look at mountain formation and the different types of mountains you can find around the world. This ties nicely into our book (When The Mountains Roared) and also our living things focus in Science. Fault block, fold, volcanic and dome – we conducted some simple demonstra
As part of our topic on Journeys, we have been finding out about different types of transport this week. We read the rhyming story, ‘The Bus is For Us! by Michael Rosen, which explores different modes of transport we might travel on. The children enjoyed joining in with the rhyming words and p
RSPB WEEK The children in Nursery have taken an interest in birds this week. To attract more birds to our Nursery garden we have created bird feeders with lard, seed, cheerios, pipe cleaners, bread and junk modeling materials. We have enjoyed looking for birds outside using binoculars and clipboards
This half term, our topic in Year 5 is ‘Life in the Rainforest’, focussing on the Amazon Rainforest, and so far, the children are absolutely loving it! Although we have learned a lot about the rainforest in our English book (‘The Explorer’ by Katherine Rundell), it was our Geography lessons that rea
This week was the first time Year One had a Geography lesson. We talked about where we live. Some children said that they lived in Gateshead whilst others were able to say their address. The children learnt that we all live in a country called England. We found it on a globe and realised that Englan
In our geography lessons, the children in year 3 have been learning about the water cycle. The boys and girls were able to label a diagram of the water cycle and use the words evaporation, condensation and precipitation accurately. In order to investigate what happens in the water cycle, the childre
Together in Nursery, we have had a fun-filled busy week. We have been exploring the Indian Culture and the Festival of Diwali. On Monday we looked into the country of India, what animals are there, and discussed the patterns and noises that they make. The children liked dressing up in Indian clothin
Over the last two weeks, the children in Year 6 have been undertaking Geography work linked to their World War Two topic. They used atlases to locate areas in the UK where children had been evacuated from and to, used a London Underground Map to locate German spies using compass directions and locat