

We have followed the children’s interests in holidays and the seaside and looked at ‘under the sea’. Together we have looked at different sea animals and their habitats, thinking thought about how they move, and then recreated their actions. Our story of the week has been ‘Rainbow Fish’ an


Continuing our topic on the ‘Great Outdoors’, this week, we found out all about ladybirds.  We listened to the story, ‘What the Ladybird Heard’ by Julia Donaldson and discussed how the animals managed to trick the robbers and save the prize cow. We looked at the map of the farm that the robbers had


In Geography this half term, Year 5 are learning all about the world! We started off this series of lessons by discussing how we find something on the earth, and what we would do if the internet wasn’t working when we needed to use Google maps! The idea of longitude and latitude were introduced as a


We have been working on data and statistics in maths this week, looking at different ways data can be presented, recorded and then interpreted.  We also squeezed in a conversation about protecting our data and being careful about what we share. In Maths we started with pie charts, bar charts and tw


This week, Year 6 have started to do some Geography work based upon Pompeii and the eruption of Vesuvius in AD79. They enjoyed researching what causes volcanic eruptions and then used an atlas to locate volcanoes around the world. We then began to focus on Pompeii and what it was like prior to the e


In Geography, Year Two have been learning all about the continents, oceans and climate zones. They learnt that Asia is the biggest continent in the world and is home to giant pandas, tigers and monkeys. Also, they were very interested to find out that Africa has the most countries of any continent –


This week in Year 3, we have been studying our local area. The children have used Google Earth to locate their homes and identify the land use around us. Using this information, the children have enjoyed creating their own sketch maps of our locality. To identify the different types of land use, the


As part of our Rainforests topic, the children have been focussing on the continent of  South America as part of their Geography lessons. Atlases were used to establish the location of South America within the world; the children then found and named each of the countries, along with it’s capital c