Year One had a fantastic time at Beamish today and luckily, the weather was gloriously sunny. The children were thrilled to be going on a coach and after an immensely exciting bus journey, we arrived at Beamish. We tried to visit as many places at Beamish as possible. Firstly the children visite
This week, parents and carers of children in Year Two were invited into school to attend an assembly linked to the children’s learning in History. The theme of the assembly was Marvellous Monarchs and focused on the reign of Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth II. The children shared facts about each m
This week in Reception Class, we joyfully celebrated Shrove Tuesday, a delightful tradition that marks the beginning of Lent. To enhance our understanding of this special day, we read the story, Mr Wolf’s Pancakes. This engaging tale captivated the children’s imaginations and sparked their enthusia
In History, Year Two have been learning all about King Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth II. They explored their family trees and identified the similarities and differences between the two monarchs. To begin, the children learned about the family of Henry VIII. They were fascinated to learn that Henry
As part of the topic, ‘How Precious Life is..’ the Year 6 children have been learning about the history of coal and how important it was to the local area. To begin with, the children learnt about the significance of the coal mines in the North East. They considered what coal was used for as wel
In History, Year 3 have been learning about life through the ages. First, they were introduced to the term ‘prehistory’ meaning the period of time before written records. They then began by exploring the Stone Age. Initially, the children became archaeologists and using images, discussed a range of
Barter Town is a block of work that the Year 6 children are taking part in during their Forest School sessions. First in class we set the scene for the next few weeks work. We talked about how traditional rural villages came about and how settlers provided for themselves before they had currency. Th
To continue our History topic of Anglo-Saxons, Year 5 took a trip to Jarrow Hall! After arriving, Year 5 were split into two groups. The first group was taken around the functioning farm at Jarrow Hall and looked at animals that would have been used on an Anglo-Saxon farm. Despite the cold, the chil
To pay homage to all those who have fought in wars, both past and present, Nursery took part in a 2-minutes silence at 11am on Monday 11th November. This week, we learnt all about the meaning of Remembrance Day and paid our respects by wearing our poppy’s and taking part in Remembrance themed activi
On Monday and Tuesday, the Year 6 parents attended curriculum workshops. Mr Hollingworth shared a little information about the non-core subjects and how these are planned and taught. This was followed by a presentation of work by the children. They shared a little information about remembrance and s