This week in Reception, we have been learning all about St George’s Day and celebrating the Queen’s birthday. As part of our theme we learnt all about the country that we live in. We read a great story called ‘Me on The Map’ by Joan Sweeney which introduced the basic concept of using a map. We
This week, Reception have been busy making a special film of our Nativity play, ‘A Wriggly Nativity’. Despite the short amount of time we have had to put it together, the children have done a marvellous job learning the songs and learning their lines for the production. This year, as we were una
In History, Year 2 have been learning all about The Great Fire of Gateshead. They ordered the key events of the fire on a timeline and lots have remembered the year it happened! The children learnt that the fire started in a factory on Gateshead quayside. The children compared of the quayside from t
As part of our Remembrance events this year, all the children across school have helped create poems about the poppy and Home – learning about the way World War 2 evacuees left their homes and moved out in the countryside, unable to see their families and loved ones, some for up to 6 years. This
Applying some of their experience from last weeks den building session, Year 6 created miniature Anderson Shelters, linking to their current topic of World War 2. It was interesting to see the different ways the children approached this task, starting with a simple framework and building from there.
Over the past week, Year 5 have been studying the Anglo Saxons, which links to our work in English on ‘Beowulf’. The children were given key information about the time period, and worked in pairs to order this chronologically. Following on from this, they extracted the most important information abo
Year One went back in time this week. We learnt all about fossils and how they can help palaeontologists learn about the lives of dinosaurs. They even found out about a special kind of fossil called an ammonite. Everyone had a go at making a fossil out of salt dough. They had to roll it into
As part of our topic ‘There’s no place like home!’, year 4 have been learning about the Viking invasion of Britain. They have identified where the Vikings came from, the parts of Britain that they invaded and explained the reasons why they came. They then used their mathematical skills to order sign
This week we have been starting the history part of our topic thinking about World War Two. The children have considered the causes of the war and were surprised to learn that there were several different causes not just Hitler and Germany. Even more surprising, was the role the British had in causi
On Friday 8th of May 2020, the majority of the country took time to celebrate VE Day. On this occasion, things were different from the usual anniversary of the day when Germany surrendered in 1945; firstly, this time the day marked the 75th anniversary of VE Day and, secondly, this was the first t