

As part of our topic ‘There’s no place like home!’, year 4 have been learning about the Viking invasion of Britain. They have identified where the Vikings came from, the parts of Britain that they invaded and explained the reasons why they came. They then used their mathematical skills to order sign


This week we have been starting the history part of our topic thinking about World War Two. The children have considered the causes of the war and were surprised to learn that there were several different causes not just Hitler and Germany. Even more surprising, was the role the British had in causi


Today the boys and girls were transported back to the Stone Age with Dr Jo. During the workshop, they explored cave painting and handled artefacts. The children enjoyed learning about life during this time and played a hunter gatherer game to find out about the sources of food available. Year 3 have


This week in Year 2, we had the fantastic opportunity to visit the Discovery Museum and take part in a workshop all about the Great Fire of Gateshead and Newcastle. The children learnt lots of interesting facts about the Great Fire of Gateshead and Newcastle and about the Victorian times, which is w


Year 6 were lucky to have a visitor to school to talk about life in the RAF. Corporal Galvin visited school to share his experiences as an RAF engineer. He talked to the children about the different places he had visited and the important role the RAF plays in peacekeeping, nullifying threats and al