As part of our topic ‘There’s no place like home!’, year 4 have been learning about the Viking invasion of Britain. They have identified where the Vikings came from, the parts of Britain that they invaded and explained the reasons why they came. They then used their mathematical skills to order sign
This week we have been starting the history part of our topic thinking about World War Two. The children have considered the causes of the war and were surprised to learn that there were several different causes not just Hitler and Germany. Even more surprising, was the role the British had in causi
On Friday 8th of May 2020, the majority of the country took time to celebrate VE Day. On this occasion, things were different from the usual anniversary of the day when Germany surrendered in 1945; firstly, this time the day marked the 75th anniversary of VE Day and, secondly, this was the first t
As people might remember, the May Day Bank Holiday was changed this year to Friday 8th May 2020, with the intention of celebrating 75 years since VE Day. Although we are not in school, let’s see if we can still come together as a community to share our gratitude for those who fought, worked and li
In our Forest School this week Year 3 experienced some culinary delights from the Stone Age. Linking to their topic they have been learning about how Stone Age man would have hunted and gathered their food. What impact the introduction of fire made to their communities and how this enabled them to b
Today the boys and girls were transported back to the Stone Age with Dr Jo. During the workshop, they explored cave painting and handled artefacts. The children enjoyed learning about life during this time and played a hunter gatherer game to find out about the sources of food available. Year 3 have
This week in Year 2, we had the fantastic opportunity to visit the Discovery Museum and take part in a workshop all about the Great Fire of Gateshead and Newcastle. The children learnt lots of interesting facts about the Great Fire of Gateshead and Newcastle and about the Victorian times, which is w
To commemorate Remembrance Day, Year 6 attended a memorial service in Low Fell. They were joined by the Deputy Mayor, community members and children from other schools to pay their respects to those who fought for their country and those who serve today. They wrote a message of remembrance and laid
Year 6 were lucky to have a visitor to school to talk about life in the RAF. Corporal Galvin visited school to share his experiences as an RAF engineer. He talked to the children about the different places he had visited and the important role the RAF plays in peacekeeping, nullifying threats and al