In Nursery the children have been learning about the celebration of Bonfire Night. We learnt that Bonfire Night happens on the 5th November each year, as a remembrance of Guy Fawkes who tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament with gunpowder in 1605. We enjoyed watching videos of firework displays
Learning about fires is particularly important at this time of year. Year 2 children have been learning about the Great Fire of London, in class they created their own houses using cardboard boxes. They decorated the houses marking on the wooden frames that would have been part of the houses origina
Earlier this week, the boys and girls in Year 3 had the fantastic opportunity to visit The Great North Museum. They spent time exploring the Egyptian gallery looking at the exhibits about Egyptian life and the Afterlife. They completed a ‘crack the code’ and an ‘object eye spy’ activity, working as
Barter Town is in full swing now, we begin each session with a review about the previous week, a town meeting if you like. What went well, what needs prioritising, what issues can be worked through. This gives the children time to reflect and to ask other villagers for advice. It has been interestin
Over the last couple of weeks, the children in Year 6 have been studying the history part of our topic learning about World War Two. To begin with, the children considered the causes of the war, sorting them into long term and short term causes. They were surprised to learn that there were several d
Year 6 children headed out to the Forest School this week to begin in a block of sessions that have a definite theme running in the background but still follow the guiding principles of the Forest School. Last lesson we stayed in class avoiding the torrential rain and set the scene for the next few
In Year 3, our history topic this half term has been the ancient Egyptians. The children have thoroughly enjoyed learning about this period of history. We began by exploring images and artefacts – making predictions about what they were and asking questions about them. We then looked at the importan
Everyone in Year One enjoyed our history lessons this week during which they have been learning about Mary Anning, the first person in England to excavate dinosaur fossils. They firstly listened to the story ‘Dinosaur Lady’. They then became artists and drew a detailed portrait of Mary Anning.
Our History topic this term is all about the Vikings! We started with looking at where they invaded from, when and how and also why! We have enjoyed looking at how many places around where we live and across the UK have names that date back to Viking times. Over the term we will study how they f
This term, in History, Year Two have been finding out about different explorers. They have learned about the lives of Christopher Columbus, Neil Armstrong and Tim Peake and the discoveries they made. The first explorer that Year Two learnt about was the astronaut Neil Armstrong. They discovered that