

Everyone in Year One enjoyed our history lessons this week during which they have been learning about Mary Anning, the first person in England to excavate dinosaur fossils. They firstly listened to the story ‘Dinosaur Lady’. They then became artists and drew a detailed portrait of Mary Anning.


Our History topic this term is all about the Vikings! We started with looking at where they invaded from, when and how and also why!  We have enjoyed looking at how many places around where we live and across the UK have names that date back to Viking times.  Over the term we will study how they f


This term, in History, Year Two have been finding out about different explorers. They have learned about the lives of Christopher Columbus, Neil Armstrong and Tim Peake and the discoveries they made. The first explorer that Year Two learnt about was the astronaut Neil Armstrong. They discovered that


In History, the children have been learning about castles. They began by learning about the features of a castle and located some of the castles around the UK, including Alnwick Castle which they have been lucky enough to visit this week.  The boys and girls were all very keen to see which of the f


As part of their topic on ‘Leaving a Legacy,’ the children in Year 6 have been studying the Romans and the legacy they left in Britain. The Romans had a huge impact on the local area and this week, we went on a visit to the Roman remains at Vindolana. Over the day, the children went to the Roman Arm


Year 6’s final topic in school is called ‘Leaving a Legacy.’ As part of this topic, they study the Romans and the impact that they had on life in Britain and particularly in the local area. During the past two weeks, the children have looked at the failed attempts to invade in 55 and 54BC before the


This term our topic in Year One is “We’re all going on a summer holiday.”  The children have enjoyed talking about their trips to the seaside and how they like building sandcastles on the beach and eating fish and chips.  The pupils have also had the opportunity to learn about seaside holida


The history topic in Year 4 this term is ‘Olympians!’ The children had a great day this week with our visitors from Durham University, learning all about the Ancient Greeks. First, the children explored where the Ancient Greeks lived and all about the different Greek city-states. We learned about sy


This week we have been learning about toys and games in the past. First we started by discussing toys and games we all play with today.  LEGO and games consoles seemed to be the most popular.  The children then looked at a range of toys from the past such as jacks, a cup and ball, rocking horse an


Year One had a fantastic time at Beamish this week and luckily, the rain stayed away all day! The children were thrilled to be going on a coach at last and after an immensely exciting  bus journey,  we arrived at Beamish. We tried to visit as many places at Beamish as possible. We started off by r