

Over the last couple of weeks, we have been studying the history part of our topic focusing on World War Two. To begin our learning, the children considered the causes of the war and were surprised to learn that there were several different causes not just Hitler and Germany. After this, the childre


Over the past two weeks, the children have been exploring the Ancient Egyptians and learning about some of the advances they made. First, we started with an introduction to the Ancient Egyptians and the children became archaeologists and studied different artefacts and images to piece together who t


This week, Year 4 enjoyed a workshop with Bjorn, our visiting Viking, during which we learned about their weaponry, battle formations, how they debated and made decisions and also about some artefacts and traditional Viking games. Over the day, the children had the opportunity to hear about the Viki


Everyone in Year One enjoyed our history lessons this week during which they have been learning about Mary Anning, the first person in England to excavate dinosaur fossils. They firstly listened to the story ‘Dinosaur Lady’. They then became artists and drew a detailed portrait of Mary Anning.


This term, Year Two have been learning about significant people in their History lessons. First, they found out that a significant person is someone who has done something important. They then found out about the astronauts Neil Armstrong and Tim Peake. The boys and girls found out that Neil Armstro


In History this term, the children have been learning about castles. They have identified the features of a castle and identified how castles have changed over time. They have also used the map skills they developed in our geography lessons, to locate castles around the UK. As part of our learning,


Today, Year Two visited the Centre for Life. They explored lots of zones and even watched a theatre show. In the Play Zone, the children had the opportunity to look at the giant globe in the entrance. Some of the children chose to draw pictures and add them to the picture gallery. They loved getting


Over the past couple of weeks, Year 6 have been looking at the invasion of the Romans in 43AD and how this left a lasting legacy on life in Britain. They have looked at the initial rebellion by Boudicca when the Romans took over, to the gradual acceptance of Roman ways and the influence they had ove


This term our topic in Year One is “We’re all going on a summer holiday.”  The children have enjoyed talking about their trips to the seaside and how they like building sandcastles on the beach and eating fish and chips.  The pupils have also had the opportunity to learn about seaside holida


The topic in Year 4 this term is ‘Olympians!’ The children spent all of Thursday with some visitors from Durham University learning all about the Ancient Greeks. First, the children learnt about where the Ancient Greeks lived and where all the different Greek city-states were. They learnt about the