

Year 6 children had the opportunity to work with their parents this week during a morning dedicated to maths. It was brilliant to see the competition between children and parents in times table dominoes and factors and multiples games – with the children definitely proving the winners. The aim of th


In Maths, Year Two have been learning how to partition numbers. They learned that partition means to split a number into different parts. First, they used a part part whole model to partition numbers into tens and ones. The children used base ten to represent each number. Then, they wrote the number


In Maths this week, Year 3 have been partitioning 2 digit numbers using place value counters and part whole models. They were excellent at partitioning the 2 digit numbers into tens and ones. We then challenged the children by asking them to find a different way to partition the same 2 digit number.


In Maths, Year Two have been learning how to tell the time. First, they learned about o’clock and half past. They were able to explain that when the minute hand points to twelve, it is o’clock, and when it points to six, it is half past, because it has moved half way around the clock. Next, it was t


Year One have been having fun with fractions this week. The week started off by learning what half means and finding half of a shape. The children enjoyed cutting out shapes, folding them in half and colouring in one half of the shape. Next we focused upon finding half of a quantity. Firstly, we use


In maths this week, the children have been exploring how shapes can be combined and separated to make new shapes.  We have investigated building shapes using smaller shapes and combining shapes in different ways to make pictures.  The children talked about the names and the properties of the shape


The children in Year 3 have worked hard in Maths learning about aspects of time.  They have learnt to read the time in 15 minute intervals using o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past.  They have also explored the months of the year, describing when their birthday is.  The boys and gir


Over the past two weeks, we have been using our place value knowledge to understand tenths and hundredths. Throughout this time, the children have used visual representations to help them identify tenths and hundredths, written tenths and hundredths as fractions and decimals, as well as using part-w