The children in the Nursery are enjoying playing games! We have been learning how to play Tic Tac Toe, subitizing games, chef games, shopping list games, board games, and skittles. Lots of turn taking, working together, mathematical language, sharing, language, and predictions taking place during th
This week we have been learning about units of measurement for length and distance. Starting with kilometres, we worked on conversions to metres, then moved onto metres and centimetres and finished the week with centimetres and millimetres. This leads onto the next stage all about perimeter. We
This week in maths, Year 6 have been learning about percentage. It is an area of maths they were only 25% confident in before we started, but now they are 100% super stars! They have worked hard to become familiar with percentage and fraction equivalents and have then used these to calculate any per
As part of our topic on Journeys, we have been finding out about different types of transport this week. We read the rhyming story, ‘The Bus is For Us! by Michael Rosen, which explores different modes of transport we might travel on. The children enjoyed joining in with the rhyming words and p
In Forest School this week, Reception children began their RSPB Big School Birdwatch out in the winter sunshine. In class, using their “hand” binoculars and telescopes, they were shown how much information our eyes can take in. How reducing that information by limiting peripheral vision focuses the
Over the last two weeks, the children have been busy learning about 2D and 3D shapes. We started by learning the name of some 3D shapes and everyone had fun building models with them. The teachers were impressed with the children’s creativity and the models included flowers, towers, trains and p
All of Year 3 have been enjoying their work on multiplication and division. Last week we launched the Times Tables Rock Stars programme. The children had a try at using this in school and many boys and girls have been working on this at home too in their quest to become a ‘Times Tables Rocksta
This week, Year Two have been learning about 2D shapes. The children learned that 2D means two-dimensional so these shapes are flat. When labelling the shapes, the children found out that some shapes can have more than one name. For example, squares and rectangles can also be called quadrilaterals b
This week in Maths, Year Six started a new unit on Fractions. On Monday and Tuesday, the children realised that they needed to use their knowledge of multiples and factors in order to find equivalent fractions and simplify fractions. They enjoyed playing equivalent fraction Bingo and were very compe
The children in Year 3 have been working hard with written and mental methods of addition and subtraction. They have been using place value counters and dienes equipment to add and subtract with two and three digit numbers. They have also used numberlines to count forward and count back. Th