

This week in Year 4 we have been working on identifying different types of angles.  We have been looking at acute, obtuse and right angles and ensuring that by comparing the size to a right angle, we can identify the angle without using a protractor. We started with making our own split pin angle m


This week, the children in Year 6 have been introduced to the long division written method. This is one of the most complicated maths methods as it involves doubling and halving, multiplication, subtraction, addition and of course division. Initially, there were a few furrowed brows and worried expr


This week in Maths, the boys and girls have been learning about position and direction. They began by using vocabulary such as forwards, backwards, left and right. They then progressed on to describing turns using clockwise and anticlockwise. To put their new skills to the test, they were challenged


In Maths over the last two weeks we have been exploring formal methods for adding and subtracting.  We always start with counters, so we can see where we have to carry numbers or exchange.  Using ‘concrete’ materials helps the children visualise the calculation, before we move onto doing them with


In maths, the children have been learning how to count in multiples of 2, 5 and 10. They have been finding the total of an amount, completing number lines and solving problems. Year Two had to put their knowledge to the test in a competitive game of Snakes and Ladders. However, the tricky part was t


This week in Reception we have been learning all about the language of size. As our topic for the Autumn term is ‘Marvellous Me’, the children have been looking at feet sizes and using unifix cubes to measure the length through 1:1 counting. We have also been comparing our heights with each other to


In Maths this term we are focusing on numbers up to 10.  This week we have been practising counting backwards.  The children had fun singing  “zoom, zoom, zoom , were going to the moon.” and blasting off to space.  In our group activity we played find the missing number.  The teacher covered on


Year 6 have been working on time this week. Being able to tell the time is a vital life-skill and the children have been thinking about analogue and digital time, the 24-hour clock and timetables. The Year 6 teachers have talked about the importance of being able to use more than just a phone to tel