

This week in Reception, we have been honing our counting skills by practising counting with dice. The children focused on recognising numbers quickly by observing the patterns of dots and identifying small amounts without the need for counting. A particular highlight of our week was playing Teddy Be


All of the teachers have been impressed with the fact recall in Year One. Following on from learning about one more last week, this week we have focused our learning on one less. The week started with some counting backwards. We are learning to count backwards starting from any number under 10. Why


In maths, Year Six have already completed a unit of work on place value and are now working on calculations. During the Place Value unit of work, the children have developed a clear understanding of what each digit in a number represents within ones, tens hundreds, thousands up to ten million. They


Over the last couple of weeks, the boys and girls have been working hard to understand the place value of 2 and 3 digit numbers.  Firstly, they read and represented 2 digit numbers using base 10 and place value counters. Working in pairs, they then successfully read 3 digit numbers in words and num


This week, in Mathematics, Year Two have been partitioning two-digit numbers. They found out that partitioning means to split a number into smaller parts. First, the children used base ten apparatus to partition numbers into tens and ones using a part-whole model. They had to think carefully about w


We have enjoyed the sunshine in Nursery this week – so much so we decided to have a picnic! As part of our topic, Adventure Awaits!, we have looked at the season of Summer, sun safety and picnics as our focus. We decided to have a picnic in the Nursery garden during snack time on Wednesday. We first


This week in maths, the children have been exploring the lines of symmetry within shapes. They learned that if a mirror is placed on a line of symmetry, you will see a reflection that completes the original shape. If the mirror is not placed on a line of symmetry, the reflection will create a differ


Today in maths, the boys and girls in Year 3 thoroughly enjoyed learning about Roman numerals. Many of the children knew that Roman numerals are used on some clock faces and they also pointed out that they are used in the names of monarchs including King Charles III and Henry VIII.  In the lesson,


Today, Year Two have been rocking out for the day to celebrate the launch of Times Tables Rock Stars. This is an app that helps children to learn their times tables in an engaging way. The children all came into school dressed as rock stars for the occasion and we were very impressed with their fant