

This term in Maths Year Two have been learning about multiplication and division. The children started by identifying equal groups and then writing repeated addition number sentences. After that, the boys and girls used arrays to write repeated addition number sentences, before moving on to using th


This week in Maths, the children have been learning how to measure in centimeters, millimeters and meters. In the classroom, they have practiced reading the cm and mm scales on rulers then used them to measure the length of different lines and objects on their tables. On Thursday, year 3 went outsid


Over the past two weeks in Maths, Year Six have been learning about algebra. This is a challenging block of work which the children have completed with an positive and resilient attitude. To begin with, the children worked on find missing numbers. Then, they identified that numbers in a pattern or s


This week, in Maths, we have started our second unit of Fractions. The children started the week by learning how to multiply a unit fraction by an integer before moving onto multiplying a non unit fraction by an integer. We finished the week by furthering our knowledge to multiplying a mixed number


This term in Maths we introduce a lot of new concepts to the children, starting with more formal methods of short division, then developing their knowledge of fractions and starting decimals.  This week we have been using the counters in lessons to look at division with remainders.  Dividing 5 by


This term, some of the children in Year Two have been taking part in Lego Club. For the last two weeks, the children have been using Lego baseplates and bricks to create Lego mazes. First, the children were given one square baseplate and were asked to create a maze using the bricks provided. At firs


This week the children in Year 3 have been learning how to multiply a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number. The children first learnt how to use their known facts so they could work out calculation such as 30 x 5 by using their known fact 3 x 5 = 15. They realised very quickly that they need to use th