

This term, some of the children in Year Two have been taking part in Lego Club. For the last two weeks, the children have been using Lego baseplates and bricks to create Lego mazes. First, the children were given one square baseplate and were asked to create a maze using the bricks provided. At firs


This week the children in Year 3 have been learning how to multiply a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number. The children first learnt how to use their known facts so they could work out calculation such as 30 x 5 by using their known fact 3 x 5 = 15. They realised very quickly that they need to use th


The children have been working extremely hard during our Multiplication and Division block in Maths. They have been learning how to make equal groups and arrays and have started to use the mathematical vocabulary: factor, product, multiplicand and multiplier.  This week the children have been learn


For the past two weeks in Maths, Year Six  have been learning about fractions. To begin with, the children realised that they needed to use their knowledge of multiples and factors in order to find equivalent fractions and simplify fractions. Adding and subtracting fractions was the next learning w


Year 3 have worked extremely hard during our addition and subtraction block in Maths. The children have been learning how to add and subtract 3 digit numbers and have used the column method throughout this block which has led them to become increasing confident. We used a lot of mathematical words s


If you are a very small bear and you want to look a long way the best thing to do is get up high in the air. The children were challenged to create a structure so that the bear could see into the distance. They could use branches and sticks they’d found in the woods. The highest tower would be the w


This week, Year 4 parents joined their children in a maths workshop! The activities all focussed around learning and practising our times tables. First, the children used the Maths Frame multiplication tables check to practise the table of the week and the tables we have learnt this year. The next a