It’s a forest….where nothing’s as it seems! This week, the children had the amazing opportunity to enjoy an opera – The Vanishing Forest – written specifically for primary children based around the characters from Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream. The English Touring Opera were visiting the N
This half term, we have been thoroughly enjoying a weekly music session with Miss Christy from Gateshead Music Service. Each week, our music activities have been engagingly linked to our topic themes, allowing the children to deepen their understanding of music in a meaningful context. Throughout ou
It has taken many months of planning, but this week our first ever steel pan band rehearsal took place over at Gateshead Music Hub with our tutor – Rob Kitchen. A group of children from Year 6 took part and enjoyed learning about the steel pans, the acoustics and starting to play to a beat! It mat
This week, the children really enjoyed a festive music workshop, courtesy of the live band from Gateshead Music Service. They have visited the school annually for a few years to help us celebrate, sing and dance our way to Christmas with lots of games, songs, activities and fun. Plus, it is great
The school choir were delighted to be able to go and perform again this year for the congregation at St Ninians Church. The choir sang a selection of traditional carols and some more upbeat Christmas hits. We invited our friends from Angel Court and Craigielee Care homes to come and join in the fest
This week in Reception, the children have performed ‘The Big, Big Nativity’ show to their grown ups. The nativity explores the birth of Jesus and why some people celebrate Christmas. We had the familiar characters such as, Mary, Joseph, donkey, wisemen, camels and shepherds. The children sang songs
Today, the children in Year 1 and 2 performed their Christmas show to family members and friends. The school hall looked fantastic with all of the children on stage in their costumes. The show was called the ‘Christmas Recipe’ and the narrators told the story of how to find the right ingredi
It was a beautiful crisp sunny day for Year 1’s Forest School session. First some games of Sticky Feet with our Year 6 outdoor workers, this game is fun but also encourages the children to think about characteristics of different creatures or plants. It also helps to establish boundaries and team
In Reception Mrs Holt has been teaching the children about percussion. In class they tried to think about different ways of making a beat using items that are not instruments. We then headed into the Forest School to see is we could find musical objects in nature. They were really surprised at the v
In Reception this week, the children enjoyed the Halloween activities that were set up in the classroom and in our outdoor areas. Some of the activities included, making spiders out of playdough, printing with Halloween shapes in the painting area, making magic wands in the outdoor area and potions