

This week, year 4 launched their new text for English: Histronauts – A Viking Adventure. The children were introduced to the Histronauts, who are a group of children that travel back in time to learn about life in the past. Building on their learning about Vikings in History, the children were asked


In Nursery the children have been learning about the celebration of Bonfire Night. We learnt that Bonfire Night happens on the 5th November each year, as a remembrance of Guy Fawkes who tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament with gunpowder in 1605. We enjoyed watching videos of firework displays


This morning, some of our KS2 children took part in a multi-sport festival which was held at Gateshead Stadium. The children took part in a wide range of activities involving Football, Curling, Boccia, and Volleyball as well as a few other sports. Our team participated in every activity with such en


On Tuesday, one of our Year 5 and 6 Rugby teams took part in the Gateshead Finals which was held at Blaydon Leisure Centre. The team had to win a competition just to qualify for this event which was already a fantastic achievement. 8 Schools made the finals and we had to play every team once in a le


Last half term, a group of boys and girls in Year 4 participated in Games Club. Each week, they gathered to learn and play different games designed to boost their strategic thinking and teamwork skills. One of the highlights was learning to play the game UNO. The children had fun getting to grips wi


This week, the children have been learning about renga, free verse and narrative poems for poetry week.  On Monday, the children learnt about renga poetry, which is a traditional form of free-verse Japanese poetry. The children learnt about how renga poems are made up of tankas, consisting of short