

In Music this half term, the children have been learning about how to develop beat within music, listening to different beats and styles of music and then composing some basic rhythmic patterns using different pieces of equipment. We put these together with some sounds created by ourselves, like cla


In Design and Technology, Year Two have been making healthy packed lunches. As part of their research, the children learned about Jethro Tull and his incredible invention – the seed drill. Tull began farming in 1699 when seeds were planted by hand. He found this very frustrating, so he decided to ma


The teachers have been amazed this week by the children’s fantastic weaving skills.  The week started by researching woven tablemats as the final product will be a woven animal placemat.  Then we went outside and had a go at weaving strips of fabric along the MUGA fence.  They learnt to go in and


This week is Children’s Mental Health week, and in Year 5, we have been lucky enough to have a visit from Mrs Cunningham and KS to discuss all matters mental health! The conversation began with the children trying to articulate what mental health actually is, and they showed a great understanding. T


This week, the children in Year 3 have been learning about Stone Age food. They have researched how people during the Stone Age were known as ‘hunter gatherers’ and they have created their own menu ideas. To create our Stone Age recipes, the children used modern day appliances and utensils although


Today, we celebrated Safer Internet Day 2022 across school. The children engaged in a range of activities to celebrate all the great things we can do online, with a focus on how we can keep safe. This year for Safer Internet Day, we focused on two main areas. The children learnt how they can have fu