Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed their first trip in 2 years to the Sunderland Winter Gardens and Museum. As part of their spring topic ‘Life in the rainforest’, and their geography topic about world biomes, year 5 took part in a rainforest workshop. They learnt about the different layers of a rainforest:
Everyone is so happy that spring is finally here. This week Year One took the opportunity in a science lesson to find signs of spring outside. First of all, we noticed that the weather is becoming warmer and the sun is shining for longer during the day. Then the children discovered that new buds are
Learning about fire is a important life skill. From choosing where to position a fire, to using fire pit, fire safety and methods of ignition, from fireside activities and crafts, to extinguishing it at the end of the day, the children will be taught these skills during their Forest School sessions.
Lots of excitement and anticipation in Year 2 this week to see if there was more evidence of Sprites on our site. You may not know much about Woodland Sprites, they are clever little creatures who are guardians of our natural world. From the trees above to the soil below and everything in between.
In class the children have been learning about the Holi Festival of Colour, today’s exploration activity encouraged them to really observe the nuances of colour in the natural world. They set off in teams, each with a collecting bag containing a selection of paint colour cards, the challenge, to see
In Computing, Year Two have been learning all about pictograms. To begin, they learned how to use a tally to record a total number of objects. Together, we made a class tally chart to find out what Year Two’s favourite fruit is – strawberries! Next, the children found out that a tally chart can
The boys and girls in Year 3 have enjoyed using different units of measurement to explore length and height. To begin, they used 30cm rulers to measure in centimetres and millimetres. Then they used metre sticks to measure the length of objects in the playground, recording their answer in metres
Gingerbread Man To celebrate World Book Day, we have been looking at Nursery Rhymes and Fairy Tales all week, our favourite stories have been 3 Billy Goats Gruff and The Gingerbread Man. The children received a letter from the Old Women in the story of the Gingerbread Man asking for help as her Ging
Seeds, seeds and more seeds! We have started looking at spring/growing this week. We have read the story ‘The Tiny Seed’ and discussed how plants grow and change over time and what they need to grow. The children have planted their own sunflowers this week. Over the next few weeks, we will be ta
In History, Year Two have been learning about King Henry VIII. To begin, the children learned about the infamous King’s family. They found out that his older brother, Arthur, was supposed to be King. However, Arthur became very sick and died, meaning Henry took the crown. They also learned that Henr