

This week, the boys and girls revealed their new English text – The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. They explored numerous book covers for the Iron Man and made predictions about the story. Everyone was excited to start reading and to find out about the ‘metal giant’.  The children used the description in


Doctors and Vets The children in  Nursery have loved learning about the importance of looking after people and animals, especially when they are unwell. Over the past few weeks, we have had a class VETS and doctors to support their interests and understanding. We read the story Little Red Riding Ho


Henri Matisse Nursery is really enjoying practicing their scissor skills and cutting up paper. This led to us looking at the artist ‘Matisse’, his artwork was loved by the children. We had lots of discussions ‘it does not look like a snail’, ‘why are there lots of colours?’ Some children


In RE this week, year 5 have been learning about the beliefs of Muslims and the important figures they worship and respect within their religion of Islam. The children learnt that Muslims believe in only one God, who they call Allah, and that he is the only God. As he has many different characterist


The week, Year One wanted to investigate which material would be the strongest material to build a house for The Three Little Pigs. Firstly, everyone made a prediction of which would be the strongest. Some children thought straw, others thought sticks and others thought bricks. Then, the children we