

We had a themed week of the ‘Gingerbread Man’ this week! The children enjoyed listening to different variations of the story and retelling it using props and masks around the classroom. They worked hard to use key words from the story throughout their acting. On Wednesday Reception filled the sc


Over the last couple of weeks, the children have been learning about the Jewish faith and have studied some of the important beliefs and celebrations. A Sukkah is a temporary hut-like construction, covered in greenery, that Jews would dwell in during the week-long celebration of Sukkot. Sukkot comme


In DT these last two weeks we’ve been exploring Viking longboats and looking at ways that you could hoist up the sail! We started by putting patterns on our sails using influences from what archaeologists have learned about Viking designs and patterns. To make life easier dealing with heavy weights,


This half term, Year 5 have thoroughly enjoyed their DT project- Alarming Vehicles. For the unit, the children were asked to design and make an alarm system for a tipper truck based on three criteria. The classes were told that the alarm system needed to meet the needs of the vehicle user; use a pre


Over the last couple of weeks, the children in Year 6 have been studying an animation titled ‘The Piano.’ This film has no words and is a series of flashbacks in the pianist’s life – seen whilst he plays a mournful tune. The children have tried to imagine themselves in the role of the old man playin