

The children in Nursery have enjoyed learning about hygiene this week, the importance of staying clean, and how to do this. This discussion was supported by the story ‘Whiffy Wilson’. We have particularly been looking at oral hygiene this week, which the children have enjoyed acting out role-play in


In DT, Year Two have started to build a toy fire engine. As part of their research, the children learnt about an inventor called George William Manby who is famous for inventing the first fire extinguisher. They also looked at different toy fire engines and decided which they liked the best and why.


This week in Year 4 we have been learning about instructions and all the features that go into them; imperative verbs, sub headings, numbering, conjunctions and of course the right amount of detail! We started by instructing our teachers to make a jam sandwich – and let’s just say – it didn’t quite


This week was the first time Year One had a Geography lesson. We talked about where we live. Some children said that they lived in Gateshead whilst others were able to say their address. The children learnt that we all live in a country called England. We found it on a globe and realised that Englan


In our geography lessons, the children in year 3 have been learning about the water cycle. The boys and girls were able to label a diagram of the water cycle and use the words evaporation, condensation and precipitation accurately. In order to investigate what happens in the water cycle, the childre


This week in DT, the children in Year 6 have made a working Morse Code transmitter. Firstly, they had to find out what a Morse Code transmitter did. After this, they designed their product. The children remembered how to create a circuit using their knowledge from Science and applied this knowledge