

Year 4 have worked very hard in French lessons and now know enough vocabulary to have a short  conversation with a partner.  They have enjoyed learning how to  greet people in French and find out information about them.  Everyone has learnt the new words quickly and are gaining confidence in spe


The last fortnight, has seen an excellent effort by the children in their reading in Reading Plus and Accelerated Reader. It is clear that the competition for ‘Word Read’ certificates is clearly inspiring some as we have 10 more 50,000 word readers. Even more impressively, we have our first Reading


The children in year 5 have thoroughly enjoyed the final week of their science topic on forces. They have been learning about how mechanisms such as levers, gears and pulleys can be used to reduce the amount of force needed to move something. Levers are made up of a rigid beam and a fulcrum which ca


This week, Year Two have been learning about 2D shapes. The children learned that 2D means two-dimensional so these shapes are flat. When labelling the shapes, the children found out that some shapes can have more than one name. For example, squares and rectangles can also be called quadrilaterals b


This week we finally completed our design and technology projects.  Firstly the children coloured in a volcano and a pterodactyl outline.  They were encouraged to add detail such as lava and  eyes on the dinosaur.  Next they had to carefully cut each shape out – it was really difficult cutting r


Year 6 have been learning about the Second World War in their French lessons as well as in English and Topic. They surprised themselves by being able to decode French words on the PowerPoint fairly easily; using their prior knowledge of the topic, looking at the pictures and  by seeing how familiar


Over the last two weeks, we have been learning about Christianity in Year 3. The boys and girls learnt about John the Baptist and were able to retell his story using visual prompts. As John the Baptist told people to repent their sins, the children wrote about something they wanted to say sorry for.