The children in Nursery have taken an interest in hairdressing. We set up a role-play hairdresser and they have loved taking on the role of hairdressers and barbers. We have been making appointments, choosing a colour, length, and styles. The children have enjoyed using different products and equipm
Winter in Nursery The children in Nursery have enjoyed talking about winter and looking for signs of winter. We have explored ice and had discussions about his is feels/looks and what happens when we add heat. In Nursery, we have looked at ‘hibernation’ and why some animals have to do this. We wen
In Computing, Year Two have been learning how to stay safe online. This week, the children learned why using an avatar can help protect their identity online. They decided, even though an avatar is not a photograph, a drawing of a person can look very similar. Therefore, the children chose to use an
This half term, our topic in Year 5 is ‘Life in the Rainforest’, focussing on the Amazon Rainforest, and so far, the children are absolutely loving it! Although we have learned a lot about the rainforest in our English book (‘The Explorer’ by Katherine Rundell), it was our Geography lessons that rea
This week in English we have had a big reveal. The boys and girls were keen to find out what their new class story is. They began by discussing the clue – a necklace. They predicted that the shapes were bones and teeth. They then got creative and had a go at making their own necklace before reveal
Year 4 familiarised themselves with our Forest School this week. Always interesting to see how the seasons effect the site and what new things there are to investigate. No matter the age the mud kitchen is always busy. The children picked their own plants, many from the herb garden to make some mu
Year 2 enjoyed the winter sun out in our Forest School. This time of year we are focusing on the wild birds that live around our school. Linking to the RSPB Big School Birdwatch, which will take place over the nest few weeks, the children created their own birds nests. Using dried grass, twigs and f
Over the last two weeks, the children have been busy learning about 2D and 3D shapes. We started by learning the name of some 3D shapes and everyone had fun building models with them. The teachers were impressed with the children’s creativity and the models included flowers, towers, trains and p
This term in English lessons, Year Six have been studying Skellig by David Almond. In the first lesson, the children enjoyed looking at different covers of the book to predict what would happen. Then, after reading the first few chapters, they learned that the main character, Michael, found a st
This week, Year Two started to read their new book in English – ‘Into the Woods’ written by Anthony Browne. For their first lesson, the children focused on the front cover. They discussed what they could see and thought about where the boy might be going. The boys and girls had some fantastic idea