

Over the last couple of weeks, the children in Year 6 have been studying an animation titled ‘The Piano.’ This film has no words and is a series of flashbacks in the pianist’s life – seen whilst he plays a mournful tune. The children have tried to imagine themselves in the role of the old man playin


In History this half term, the Year 5 children have been focussing on the Anglo Saxons. They have discovered where they came from, why they came here and what they did after they arrived! After studying day to day life as an Anglo Saxon, the children were eager to discover more about the most import


For the last two weeks of term in DT we are looking at pulleys and linking this to our topic on Vikings, by seeing if we can create a pulley system to raise a sail.  This week we have been researching Viking long boats and pulleys and sail designs.  Next week we will attempt to create a method of


Year Two have had a fantastic day out at the Discovery Museum. They learnt all about The Great Fire of Gateshead and looked at some objects that would be found in a Victorian Home. For their task, they had to match the object to the correct label. However, one of the objects on each table didn’t hav


The children in KS2 have been working like little elves (maybe to impress Santa and get on the right list?) on their reading over the last fortnight. They are now becoming more familiar with Accelerated Reader and Reading Plus and you can see that many of the children are using these programs regula