

As part of our Red Nose Day celebrations, Reception have taken part in a variety of different physical activities during PE. We have been practicing our throwing skills into hoops and our new basketball nets, jumping on space hoppers, and nose and spoon races. The children enjoyed exploring differen


This week we have been doing some Design and Technology and in particular focussing on weaving.  Our project is to design and then make a table mat.  First we investigated different table mats, what shape they are, what they are made from and what their purpose is.  Next we all had a go at weavin


Over the last two weeks in science we have been investigating materials – including solids, liquids and gasses.  This week – the ultimate test meant we got to see how chocolate and ice changed state when we applied heat. Of course that meant we had to try it, so the children got a chocolate coin an


In Art, Year Two have been learning how to mark make. The children learnt that they can create different marks by drawing a variety of lines, dots and patterns. They also learnt that mark making can be used to show how an object feels or how light / dark areas of the object are. This week, the child


This week, Year 3 enjoyed their first lesson of basketball. In pairs, they worked on their dribbling skills, taking it in turns to dribble the ball around the MUGA without loosing control or bumping into anyone else. They then moved onto passing and played games using both chest and bounce passes. S


In PE, Year Two are learning how to dance. Miss Bull’s class are learning a routine called #DanceReunite, and Miss Norman’s class are dancing to Michael Jackson’s ‘Thriller’. The children learnt that when we dance to a piece of music, we count in beats of eight. They practised counting the beats by


This week, the children have enjoyed learning about the Jewish holiday of Purim. It commemorates the time when the Jewish people living in Persia were saved by a Jewish woman named Esther. We had a virtual visit from Mr Glickman who shared the story of Esther with the children and explained how Jewi