

This week in Reception we have been looking at some Autumn celebrations. We have learned all about Halloween and completed lots of different Halloween activities, changed the home corner to a witches kitchen and made our own magic potions outside. We enjoyed telling our friends what we had been doin


In Year 6, the children have been learning about light and how we see. They have looked at the parts of the eye and written short explanations about how the eye allows us to see. They have also found it interesting to use a protractor to measure angles of incidence and reflection and to consider how


This week, the Year One children have enjoyed finding out about the four seasons and in particular have investigated what happens in Autumn .   The children enjoyed the beautiful sunshine and went out on a Autumn hunt in the school grounds.  They found out that not only do deciduous trees shed th


In RE, Year 2 have been learning all about Christian weddings. The children learnt that Christians often get married in a church, exchange rings/vows and eat cake. The children had to pretend that they had been a guest at a Christian wedding and made a thank you card for the bride and groom. Inside


Over the last couple of weeks, the children having being doing some impressive artwork. They have developed their shading techniques and have looked at how to create reflections and show light, shadow and movement. This culminated in a final piece of work showing a World War Two plane flying over th


In the summer our lovely willow hens had a revamp, and are looking splendid in their new outfits. Now our firepit has had a make over too, thanks to our talented friends at Sylvan Skills. The old willow fencing has been replaced with hazel to make a more robust screen from the elements. Our nature g