In Year 3, our history topic this term has been the ancient Egyptians. The children have really enjoyed learning about this period of history and the importance of the Nile River to this civilisation. All of the children enjoyed creating a model shaduf which would have been used to take water out of
This week’s ‘Book Corner’ sees two new books that come highly recommended by BookTrust. Story Soup (aged 3-6) is a wonderful and interesting story about two arguing siblings (I’m sure many of you recognise this) and how this leads to the creation of a creative story with many twists and turns. Looki
Reading Plus and Accelerated Reader are the two programmes used in KS2 to give children the access to a wide range of books and also to allow them to increase their reading fluency. The books that they bring home are extremely important as they will be quizzed upon these in school once they have com
This week in Year 3, we have had a visit from KS and Mrs Cunningham. We talked about how we can have yucky feelings when we are scared, sad and worried. KS and Mrs Cunningham told us a story about a time when they got lost on a walk and they were feeling sad, scared and worried. Mrs Cunningham expla
This week we introduced the library to the children in the Nursery Class! We talked about what a Library was, and how we have to say really quiet so that people can enjoy and choose stories. The children sat in a circle and waited their turn to choose a book. Once choosing a book, they carefully tur
This half term, 4B are enjoying Forest School and 4A are learning about Music and French. After half term we will swap. In Music, 4A are enjoying looking at different Abba songs, looking at the rhythm, beats and variations between them and this week started to practice on their tuned musical instr
In Geography, Year 2 have been learning all about maps. First, the children learnt that maps use symbols as there isn’t enough room on a map to write words/sentences. The children learnt about some basic map symbols and what they represented. Then they went on a map symbol hunt around the grounds of
This week Year One had their very first whole class computing lesson. They were so excited to use the I-pads independently. So far this term the children have learnt about what technology is – something that has a job or is useful and is made by people. This week they were eager to use technol
Reading is an essential part of Harlow Green’s curriculum and fostering a life-long love of reading within the children is of fundamental importance. Sometimes, we can get bogged down as readers into reading books by the same author and we forget to look at new books that are available. In ‘Reading
In English, Year 6 have been reading the book ‘Friend or Foe’ by Michael Morpurgo. They have explored the characters and looked at the life of evacuees – exploring how they would feel and how life would be different in the countryside compared to the city. The children have been taking part in a new