Year 2 went exploring for colours and textures in our Forest School. Working in pairs, the children were given a collecting bag, a pencil and a sheet of adjectives. Their challenge was to collect as many examples of objects, that matched the descriptive words, as they could. If they found any additi
The school has been alive with the sound of words today as the children have been enjoying adjective day. It was lovely to see the effort the children (and parents) had made preparing children in costumes to celebrate the power of words. There were lots of lazy, active and cosy children throughout a
The children in Year 6 have had a brilliant day at school – and at home – taking part in Adjective Day. There were some amazing adjectives and some even more amazing costumes! Throughout the day, the children have used their adjectives in a variety of tasks including writing a story, some adjective
The nursery children all arrived on adjective day dressed up and ready to head out into our Forest School. They were split into teams; Sneaky Spiders, Wiggly Worms and Lovely Ladybirds, each team had an adult who had a collecting bag and a list of adjectives. The adults gave the children an adjectiv
We have been learning all about Diwali in Reception. The children have learnt all about the meaning behind the festival and how it is also known as the festival of light. We watched a variety of different video clips on the internet to be able to understand the festival in more detail. During guided
Year 2 spent the afternoon making shelters for their furry squirrel friend. They were shown the squirrel before we went outside so had an opportunity to look at its size and discuss what things they would need to think about. Maybe which location would offer the most protection from the weather, wo
As with all environments open to the elements, our Forest School changes with the seasons. Year 3 spent an interesting afternoon investigating the site. Observing how the children react to the grounds helps to inform the planning of the sessions. Some children decided that they could use the windows
Diwali This week at Nursery we have been learning about Diwali – The Festival of Light. We have looked at their culture, how it is different from us, and how they celebrate it. The children loved the Bollywood dancing with instruments and ribbons, as well as admiring their costumes and colours. We
In year 4 Geography, the children have explored how the world is divided into different zones. They identified the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, the Equator and the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. Using these lines of latitude, they were able to describe where the continents of the world were
This week Year One have become budding mathematicians and have started learning about addition. The children have been introduced to a part part whole model and are starting to understand that the parts are always equal to the whole. Everyone has enjoyed drawing their own part part whole model o