In RE, Year 2 have been learning all about Christian weddings. The children learnt that Christians often get married in a church, exchange rings/vows and eat cake. The children had to pretend that they had been a guest at a Christian wedding and made a thank you card for the bride and groom. Inside
Over the last couple of weeks, the children having being doing some impressive artwork. They have developed their shading techniques and have looked at how to create reflections and show light, shadow and movement. This culminated in a final piece of work showing a World War Two plane flying over th
In the summer our lovely willow hens had a revamp, and are looking splendid in their new outfits. Now our firepit has had a make over too, thanks to our talented friends at Sylvan Skills. The old willow fencing has been replaced with hazel to make a more robust screen from the elements. Our nature g
On Thursday afternoons Miss Rowe takes the children in Year 3 for both Forest School and PSHE sessions. This terms PSHE topic has been focused on what makes good friendships. How do we co-operate with each other to improve our relationships? What should a good friendship look like? What do we do whe
This week, Year 5 have further developed their understanding of batik. The children were asked to produce two ideas that they might be able to replicate in the style of batik, with an Anglo Saxon theme running through. They then decided which design was the most appropriate and drew it using pencil
Our new block of topic work in Geography is all about where we live. Today the children thought carefully about this and during discussions decided that this could be their address or their town or village. Some even realised that this could be the name of a country, England. We used a globe t
Article 6 – We all have the right to develop our talents and abilities. Harlow Green Community Primary School is extremely proud to have earned the status of Forest School. Unlike most other schools, our highly developed grounds and exciting outdoor activities enable our children’s personal deve
In Art, the children in Year 4 have been practising and improving their sketching skills. Firstly, we have experimented with different pencil marks and how we can use them to create shading effects. The children loved split cross-hatching and wood effect mark making. Following this, we have used the
This half term, some of the children in Year 3 have embarked on their French journey. The focus has been on French greetings where the children have learned to introduce themselves, including asking and answering simple questions. The children worked well together and took part in lots of French dis