In Maths over the last two weeks we have been exploring formal methods for adding and subtracting. We always start with counters, so we can see where we have to carry numbers or exchange. Using ‘concrete’ materials helps the children visualise the calculation, before we move onto doing them with
In maths, the children have been learning how to count in multiples of 2, 5 and 10. They have been finding the total of an amount, completing number lines and solving problems. Year Two had to put their knowledge to the test in a competitive game of Snakes and Ladders. However, the tricky part was t
During our indoor PE lessons this half term, Year 5 have been working on our fitness. From squats to star jumps, and planking to press ups, we’ve done it all! The children are keen and enthusiastic to complete their workouts (even if they’re complaining of sore muscles the next day!). It is rewardin
This week in Reception we have been learning all about the language of size. As our topic for the Autumn term is ‘Marvellous Me’, the children have been looking at feet sizes and using unifix cubes to measure the length through 1:1 counting. We have also been comparing our heights with each other to
In Maths this term we are focusing on numbers up to 10. This week we have been practising counting backwards. The children had fun singing “zoom, zoom, zoom , were going to the moon.” and blasting off to space. In our group activity we played find the missing number. The teacher covered on
Year 2 continue their investigations of our Forest School. It is important that they can move with confidence from area to area, finding smells and textures, bugs and plants, they begin to create a bank of information. This will help the children when we begin more specific activities, enabling th
In P.E. Year 6 have been doing a variety of activities to help keep fit. Mrs Galvin’s class have been learning how to pass backwards whilst moving forwards in tag rugby and Mr Allen’s class have started to throw and catch the ball in a lacrosse stick, which is proving somewhat hard to do. Both of th
In Geography, Year Two have been learning all about maps. The children went on a hunt around school and found lots of interesting map symbols, including a picnic site, a firepit and a polytunnel. From their hunt, the children recalled the location of each symbol and plotted them onto a map of the sc
In English, Year 3 are reading stories based on the traditional tale of ‘Cinderella’. They have previously enjoyed ‘Prince Cinders’ and ‘The Egyptian Cinderella’ and were very excited to listen to the Chinese tale ‘Yeh-Shen’. The boys and girls worked in pairs to sequence images and talk through the
In French, Year 4 have been learning how to introduce themselves. The children have learnt how to ask and answer questions about their name, age and how they are feeling. In addition, the children have recapped counting to 10 in French and learnt the numbers from 11 to 20. We have practised this b