

In maths, the children in year 5 will be looking at area and perimeter for the next couple of weeks. To recap the children’s knowledge, they were challenged to work in groups to find the perimeters of rectangles and rectilinear shapes. Some of the shapes had missing dimensions, so the children had t


Year One have started to learn about Design and Technology. They investigated moving toys and books. The children discovered that some toys can be moved with a lever, whilst others can be wound up or pushed. They particularly enjoyed winding up the caterpillars and racing them across the floor. The


In Geography this term the children in year 5 are studying rivers. Firstly, they researched the significant rivers in the world. The children were surprised to learn that although The Amazon is the largest, it is in fact The River Nile which is the longest. Once they had identified the names of sign


Our Rights Respecting Group have been celebrating children’s rights through joining with other Gateshead Primary Schools and their Rights Respecting Groups and celebrating World Children’s Day at the Baltic Gateshead. They designed and made a banner, learnt a Rights Respecting song, which they sang