

In Year One the children have been learning to ask and reply to questions.  They all had a go at hot seating – asking their friends  and teachers questions and they even tried to start their questions in a variety of ways.  Some children made their own question booklet and had to recognise whethe


This week, Year 3 have loved learning how to use iMotion to create simple animations. The children started by creating flip books using post-it notes and have then moved onto using technology to bring their animations to life. The boys and girls worked incredibly hard, making tiny changes to each fr


The children in Reception had great fun on the body boards. They were developing their gross motor skills and upper body strength. The children had to pull each other along with the hoola hoop while the other person lay flat on the body board. It was hard work but lots of fun. Article 28 – We all ha


As part of their maths work, the children in year 5 have been studying properties of numbers this week. They have been using lots of mathematical language including, multiple, factor, prime, square and today we focused on cubes. Before calculating cube numbers, the children were given multi-link to


Over the last couple of weeks, Year 6 have been working hard to learn how to add, subtract, multiply, divide and simplify fractions. The work has been tricky and they have had to learn and remember various strategies and lots of vocabulary. At the end of their fraction block, they were given a murde


Yesterday, our Year 5 and 6 choir visited Grace College to perform some wartime songs in a 1940s tea dance. They were joined by other local schools and residents from local care homes as well as some war veterans. The children sang songs including ‘We’ll Meet Again’ and ‘Keep the Home Fires Burning’


Year 6 have been learning about different sentence types and how to create complex sentences with a main and subordinate clause. They played a ‘Cluedo’ style game, where they had to understand how to change and alter parts of their sentences. Article 28 – We all have the right to a good quality educ