

This half term in English, Year 5 are going to be studying ‘Holes’ by Louis Sachar. Over the course of this week, the children have enjoyed introductory activities to the book. To begin with, they looked at different versions of the front cover and predicted what the book may be about. We then read


  Children in Year One were excited to bring in  and share pictures of their homes.  Every child did a fantastic job of talking about their house and it’s features.  We also read “Handa’s Surprise” and compared how houses in Kenya are different to houses in the UK.  Look at our amazing wor


Today, five teams of year 5 children attended a basketball tournament organised by Newcastle Eagles. Each team played five matches and many baskets were scored. Team two made it through to the knock out stage. Despite their excellent effort and attitude, they did not win. The children competed fanta


The children in Year 4 have been getting creative with composition. The aim was to compose and perform a rap about bullying. The children began by creating a steady pulse using an iPad. They then digitally composed a simple melody using percussion instrument sounds over the top of their beat. Once t


In preparation for making hand puppets in year 4, the children have been practicing and improving their sewing skills. They have all shown excellent concentration and determination to complete a running stitch and an overcast stitch. The first step was to be able to thread the needle and tie a knot


This term in Year 2, we have been learning about Islam. We have focused on celebrations within the religion and Muslim marriages. The children enjoyed making links between their previous RE topic of Christianity, where we also looked at marriages. On Tuesday, we visited Newcastle Central Mosque to h