Obnoxious. Irritating. Vermin. three words used to describe the title of Year Six’s new book: Varmints. This week the Year 6 teachers have launched the book and the children have watched a book trailer and started to think about the main themes and characters. They were surprised to discover that it
This week in Reception, we have celebrated Pancake Day! The children thoroughly enjoyed choosing a delicious topping for their pancake. After this, the children began to taste them. We really enjoyed getting to try the different flavours. This led to some fantastic conversations about our favourite
In English this term, Year 3 are reading The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. Today, they listened to the opening of the story and used clues about his appearance to create their own models. They worked successfully in teams and described their creations to the class. UNICEF Article 12: We all have th
Nursery children enjoyed learning about birds this week. In class we watched a short film about the types of birds we might expect to see in our community, then we listened to different bird songs. The children particularly liked the chattering magpie and the robin. Before heading outside some child
This half term in English, Year 5 are going to be studying ‘Holes’ by Louis Sachar. Over the course of this week, the children have enjoyed introductory activities to the book. To begin with, they looked at different versions of the front cover and predicted what the book may be about. We then read
Children in Year One were excited to bring in and share pictures of their homes. Every child did a fantastic job of talking about their house and it’s features. We also read “Handa’s Surprise” and compared how houses in Kenya are different to houses in the UK. Look at our amazing wor
Today, five teams of year 5 children attended a basketball tournament organised by Newcastle Eagles. Each team played five matches and many baskets were scored. Team two made it through to the knock out stage. Despite their excellent effort and attitude, they did not win. The children competed fanta
In Design Technology, Year 2 have been exploring what makes a healthy lunch. We learnt all about the 5 different food groups and how a meal should contain elements of each of the groups. With this in mind, the children designed a healthy packed lunch. The children then practised their spreading, cu
Due to the wild weather, Year 3 stayed inside this week for their Forest School session, but we carried on learning about our native birds. We looked at plumage in particular, then the children made drawings and created origami bird snappers. They tried to represent the colours realistically and p
The children in Year 4 have been getting creative with composition. The aim was to compose and perform a rap about bullying. The children began by creating a steady pulse using an iPad. They then digitally composed a simple melody using percussion instrument sounds over the top of their beat. Once t