In preparation for making hand puppets in year 4, the children have been practicing and improving their sewing skills. They have all shown excellent concentration and determination to complete a running stitch and an overcast stitch. The first step was to be able to thread the needle and tie a knot
This term in Year 2, we have been learning about Islam. We have focused on celebrations within the religion and Muslim marriages. The children enjoyed making links between their previous RE topic of Christianity, where we also looked at marriages. On Tuesday, we visited Newcastle Central Mosque to h
This series of sessions we have been looking at nature, plants and flowers, the aim to incorporate our observations into clay, creating tiled wall panels. The residents explained to the children what their favourite aspects of the garden were, then the children were sent out to collect as many of th
This half term, the Year 3 children have been focusing on composition in music. They created simple tunes on the glockenspiel that included up to four different notes. The aim was to compose a tune and repeat it at least three times accurately, keeping a steady pulse. The children edited and improve
The children in Reception have been very lucky and have been chosen to visit Southernwood Residential Home with Little Movers. The children will go in small groups for series of visits to the home to take part in some inter generational classes. This will take place over the next few weeks. We went
This week, we had some special visitors in Reception. Some of our grown ups came into to see what we get up to at school. Our workshop focused on physical development and how important it is for our bodies. We enjoyed some gross motor movement in the hall with Little Movers. This included dancing, s
Year 6 have been exploring Cubist and Realist art work over this half term and have studied the work of Pablo Picasso. They have thought about how out of proportion and distorted features are used in Cubist portraits and how this contrasts to the life-like features that are carefully created in a re
This half term, the boys and girls in Year 3 have been developing their basketball skills and learning about what makes a great basketball player. They have played a range of games allowing them to progress from learning how to control the ball to passing and dribbling with accuracy. To finish, Year
This half term in Music, the Year 5 children have been focusing on drumming. The topic was inspired by the Rio Carnival so the children have been learning all about Brazilian culture. They played the surdo drums, keeping a steady pulse, whilst playing a rhythm on the agogo. The tamborim and ganza we
In DT, the year 5 children have been learning about what is meant by ethically sourcing food. After this, they researched foods that were grown in South America. An Argentinian recipe for Alfajores biscuits was then adapted to include an ingredient that could have been grown in South America. A popu