Year 3 continue to apply their observations of the world around them into their construction. This week some of the children tried to see if they could increase stability in their tower building by adding vertical sticks. Torrential rain meant the second session stayed inside, hopefully giving the f
This week in Year 2, we had the fantastic opportunity to visit the Discovery Museum and take part in a workshop all about the Great Fire of Gateshead and Newcastle. The children learnt lots of interesting facts about the Great Fire of Gateshead and Newcastle and about the Victorian times, which is w
Year 2 took a break from their construction work to create a bug hotel. Beginning in class, using leaves and sticks, the children filled small boxes. Then outside they re-purposed an old cupboard, first padding it our with dried leaves and then transferring all their houses into the wooden slots. Th
The children in Mrs Carr’s class have been busy at Art Club. They made an impressive and vey realistic self portrait using collage materials. They also created a large piece of Art work to depict Autumn. They painted a tree, made leaf rubbings with wax crayons and added their own leaves. Well done
To commemorate Remembrance Day, Year 6 attended a memorial service in Low Fell. They were joined by the Deputy Mayor, community members and children from other schools to pay their respects to those who fought for their country and those who serve today. They wrote a message of remembrance and laid
Year One have been learning about the weather and the seasons in Science. The children started by going on an autumn walk, looking for signs of the season and then collecting autumn leaves. Back in the classroom the children listened to the story of Leaf Man and then used the leaves they had col
To begin our Science unit on ‘Animals including Humans’, year 5 were given a selection of pictures and were asked to group them even though they had no criteria. After some discussion , they came up with lots of interesting suggestions such as grouping by size or eating habits. Mostly, the children
This afternoon, Year 3 explored rocks and used criteria to group them according to their properties. The boys and girls then had fun carrying out investigations to answer questions about their uses. The children then played a quiz to show their understanding of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic r
In P.E. the Year 6 children have been learning netball skills. They have been practising their chest pass and bounce pass and learning how to pivot and use footwork when they catch the ball. this has proved a difficult skill as their natural reaction has been to run. with health being a curriculum d
After all the rain it was fantastic for our nursery children to enjoy some time outside planting daffodil bulbs ready for Spring. First they found some good spots for planting that will be in the sun. Then they dug out some soil and carefully placed in the bulbs checking that they were the right way