In DT this week, year 4 thoroughly enjoyed making 3D models of Viking homes. The brief was to design and build a model that showed some of their key features. From their research, the children identified that Viking homes were constructed from either mud or wood, were single story, had thatched or t
Year 6 parents, guardians and friends had the opportunity to visit their children in school today during their dance lesson. Health is one of the key drivers of the school’s curriculum and P.E. is an essential part of the school week. The children have been learning the Jive and the Jitterbug, dance
This week, year 4 have been investigating factors that affect how sound travels. To find out what happens to sound over a distance, the children went outside and one partner chanted their times tables whilst the other gradually moved further away. The children confirmed their prediction that sound g
Operation Encompass visited the Year 6 children. Operation Encompass is a new innovative project which Northumbria Police is running in partnership with schools through out the force area. The project aims to safeguard and support children and young people who are involved in, or affected by, inci
Delighted to have 3 children awarded their pen licence for the hard work and effort put into their handwriting since the start of term. Not only are they the first in 4A, but also the first in the whole school for this academic year. Congratulations! I am now watching out for the next set! Art
Year 6 have been beginning to learn how to play tag rugby. In their first couple of sessions, they have really focused on how to pass and move with the ball. It takes a bit of getting used to that you have to run forwards, but pass backwards. Once this was understood, the children were able to per
Welcome to our new tribe! As part of the launch for our book this half term, Year 4 became part of the Hairy Hooligan Tribe from How To Train Your Dragon and created our own Viking tribe members. All we need now is a dragon each! We completed some writing about our characters with lots of imaginat
The children in Year 2 have had an excellent start to the year. In English they are studying the traditional tale of Beauty and the Beast. They have been thinking about how to punctuate accurately using capital letters and full stops. This became even more tricky for the children when the senten
Year 4 have really enjoyed the first science block this week which was all about the science of sound. They enthusiastically experimented with different instruments and everyday objects, to see how they could get them to make a sound. Through their observations, the objective was to identify that a
Year 6 were lucky to have a visitor to school to talk about life in the RAF. Corporal Galvin visited school to share his experiences as an RAF engineer. He talked to the children about the different places he had visited and the important role the RAF plays in peacekeeping, nullifying threats and al