

Over the past two weeks, Year 3 have been learning about the religion of Judaism. We started the RE block by looking at The Story of Moses. The children learned who Moses was and why he is an important figure to Jewish people. The children discovered that the Ten Commandments were sent to Moses by G


This week was the first time Year One had a Geography lesson. We began by talking about where we live. Some children said that they lived in Gateshead whilst others were able to say their address. The children learnt that we all live in a country called England. We found it on a globe and realised t


Over the last two weeks, we have been looking at where we live in the world. We started big – looking at the planet and how it is divided into different areas, including land and sea, continents and climate zones.  We also looked at the 5 key lines of latitude including the Equator, Arctic circles


To start off our History topic on the Anglo-Saxons, Year 5 took a visit to Jarrow Hall. After arriving, Year 5 were split into two groups. The first group was taken around the functioning farm at Jarrow Hall and looked at animals that would have been used on an Anglo-Saxon farm. The children enjoyed


In Computing, Year Two have been learning all about photography. To begin, the children looked at a range of devices. With their partner, they decided which devices could be used to take a photo and which couldn’t.  Next, the boys and girls learned how to take a good quality photograph. They had to


In Reception, we have taken part in a range of activities for Children in Need. First, we talked about children in need and discussed why we raise money. Then, we watched Joe Wicks and completed his ‘Bearpees’ challenge which was very exciting. Lastly, we created our own Pudsey bear masks and pr


For the past two weeks in maths, Year Six have been learning about fractions. To begin with, the children realised that they needed to use their knowledge of multiples and factors in order to find equivalent fractions and simplify fractions. The children went on to learn how to convert mixed numbers


This week Year One have been introduced to a new subject – design and technology.  First we investigated how toys could move .  We discovered that some toys need to be wound up – like our toy caterpillars.  The children also learnt that some toys with wheels needed to be pulled backwards firs