

Throughout spring term Year One have been reading a variety of traditional tales in English lessons. This term, our focus is on The Ugly Duckling.  To launch the book, the pupils watched a video of how cygnets grow into graceful swans.  Everyone noticed how their feathers changed from fluffy grey


This week Nursery have been learning all about Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We enjoyed joining in with the story and repeating the parts we had heard before. We learnt that Goldilocks was very fussy with which seats she liked to sit on. She said Daddy Bears char was ‘too hard’ and Mammy Bears cha


As the RSPB Big School Bird-watch comes to an end, we finished our Forest school sessions with the Great Woolly Worm Hunt. This is a fantastic challenge that helps the children to understand how birds feed.  In reflection we talk about how time consuming it can be and how tired the birds might get


    This is a really interesting challenge that the children threw themselves into with gusto. In class the children were asked “How do I move an object that’s too heavy for me to lift?” They talked in their table groups and came up with some really interesting solutions. We looked at the paramete


This week, Year 6 had an exciting opportunity to visit Gateshead Library and the Shipley Art Galley to view art exhibitions. The artist, Leanne Pearce, was exhibiting some of her portraits – including the ones from the school foyer, and invited the children to come and see them. During the visit, ch


In Design and Technology, Year Two have been learning how to make a healthy sandwich. The children learned about an incredible inventor named Otto Rowedder, who invented the bread slicer. Did you know, he was known as “the father of sliced bread”? To begin, the children conducted some research into


This week the Year 5 children have started their new unit of Islam. We started the week by recapping their learning from Year 2. The children could remember a great deal. They were able to recall facts about mosques, the Qur’an and worship. We then compare the key feature of the religion to our Autu


This week, the Year One children started their Design and Technology block, with a focus on weaving. Our project is to design, make and evaluate a table mat. The week started with conducting some research about table mats. The children were able to look at table mats and say what materials they thou


This week, the children were very excited to find out that they would be cooking. In DT, we began with discussions about food in the Stone Age. The boys and girls can explain that early humans were hunter-gatherers who had a diet consisting of meat, fruit, nuts and berries and how this changed with