This week in Reception we have been learning all about the celebration of Easter. We began by listening to the story ‘Little Dove and the Story of Easter’ which helped us gain a clear understanding of the what the celebration is all about. After the story and watching ‘My first Festivals’, w
This week we have been learning about toys and games in the past. First we started by discussing toys and games we all play with today. LEGO and games consoles seemed to be the most popular. The children then looked at a range of toys from the past such as jacks, a cup and ball, rocking horse an
In the build-up to Easter, Year 6 have been finding out about the Jewish celebration of Passover and the Christian celebration of Pentecost. An understanding of the beliefs of others, and a recognition that children have a right to follow their own religion is a core right of all children in the UN
This morning, Year Five tackled some tricky tangrams in their Maths lesson. Tangrams are mathematical puzzles that use basic shapes to create larger, or more intricate shapes and objects. The puzzle consists of a square divided into seven pieces called Tans. Each of the pieces had a different shape.
This unit, in Design and Technology, we have been looking at different food groups, produce from Brazil and made the final product alfajores. We started the unit by getting the children to look at their own diet across the span of two days and investigate which food groups they could identify in the
This half term, some children from Year Four have attended Music Club with Mrs Galvin. The children have had lots of fun listening to, and making music, in different ways. They enjoyed playing games like ‘Pass the Cup’ using different rhythms, using the boomwhackers to make different sounds to m
In Geography, the boys and girls have been learning about rural and urban areas. They began by exploring what these terms mean and identifying rural and urban areas from photographs. They then compared maps of Harlow Green over the years and concluded that it has changed from a rural area into an
Year 4 have been studying mountains this term, and to finish off our Geography topic we took a trip to the hilliest park we could find (Wharton Park – Durham – our version of a mini-mountain). Whilst there, we took part in some orienteering and compass work all around the park, run by Durham County
Some of our ceramics are out of the kiln, don’t they look amazing? Some are for school and some for the Angel Court garden and our hens have a lovely new sign for their coop too. Our final session with potter Lindsey Grieves, took place at Angel Court this week. The residents and children worked t
This week, the children in Reception were treated to a visit from two police officers from Northumbria police service. The police officers talked to the children about the job that they do including how they help people and keep them safe. They showed the children their uniforms and some of the