

As part of the topic, ‘How Precious Life is..’ the Year 6 children have been learning about the history of coal and how important it was to the local area. To begin with, the children learnt about the significance of the coal mines in the North East. They considered what coal was used for as wel


In Maths, Year Two have been learning all about money. To begin, the children identified the value of coins and notes. Then, they applied their knowledge to find the total of an amount.  Next, the children investigated how they could make the same amount in different ways. For example, to make 10p,


All of the children in Year One were excited to start their new topic of Houses and Homes. We started off the week by looking at photos and pictures of different kinds of houses. The children loved showing their class photos of their house and we learnt the names of different kinds of houses – det


This week, the children in Year 3 have thoroughly enjoyed the beginning of our computing unit, animations. The children first discussed whether they think a picture can move. There was a lot of debate, however the children soon understood that pictures can move through animation and flip books. The


This term in our Forest School sessions we are preparing for our annual survey for The RSPB Big School Bird-watch. Year 6 are busy building bird-hides. The structure of their builds is linked to their RE study regarding the Jewish Festival of Sukkot. Trying to use the detailed guidance for building


This week, the children investigated clues to find out their new English read.  The children were brought down to the hall where a variety of clues had been laid out. These included what appeared to be broken plane windows, an S.O.S sign, the Brazilian flag, claw marks and a newspaper article with


Reception have had a very busy first week back after the Christmas holidays. The children have started their Spring topic ‘Journeys’ by learning about New Year. They have discussed what a resolution is and learnt that it is a promise we make to ourselves to achieve a goal, such as learning to ri


This week, we launched our new book – When the Mountain Roared! We went outside and looked for various clues regarding the story, characters and setting and discussed what we thought might happen and who we might meet. We have really enjoyed the start of the book so far and will see if our predictio


In science this term our focus is on materials. First of all, the pupils learnt the definition of a material – a material is what an object is made from. Next, we discussed different materials that we knew such as metal, glass, wood, plastic, paper and fabric. Everyone tried to find the different ma


This week Year Two have started their new book in English. They created a gingerbread house and then used this clue to try to work out what their new book might be about. First, the children painted a paper plate with brown paint. Next, they coloured in a variety of sweets and lollipops using colour