

On Friday, pupils had fun whilst raising money for Comic Relief.  During assembly, the children learnt that Comic Relief is a charity event  that raises money to support incredible projects and organisations who are making a difference for people across the UK and around the world.  At Harlow Gre


In History, Year Two have been learning about Henry VIII and Elizabeth II. To begin, the children learned all about the Henry’s family tree. The children learned that Henry VIII was never meant to be king. His older brother Arthur died in battle, so Henry became the next king of England. Next, the c


Over the past two weeks, children in Year 5 have been investigating different filming techniques and camera positions. Last week, the children practiced using a close up, middle and long shot, as well as a side by side shot and moving object shot. This week, the children were introduced to the ‘fixe


One of our PE sessions every week starts with skipping.  This is great for cardio exercise and for coordination.  The children have made great progress this term. Along with Cricket, we also have enjoyed Boccia and Golf in PE.  Boccia is an inclusive sport, similar to bowls, where the children ha


In RE, the boys and girls are enjoying learning about the Jewish faith. They began by locating Jerusalem and the Western Wall and discussed why these are special places to Jewish people. They then identified objects which would be found in a synagogue and learned about their importance. The children


It’s not often that Year 6 get to play with cubes, so there was great excitement when the children were confronted with piles of coloured cubes this week to help them to calculate volumes. The week started with the children building shapes and counting cubes. They then developed their understanding


This week Year One have been learning about the life cycle of a frog. The children started their learning journey by watching a video of a real life frog grow. The children were amazed at the different growing stages of a frog – frogspawn, tadpole, froglet and frog. The pupils created a frog mobil


Over the the first half of the spring term, the Year 6 tennis club were absolutely fantastic in their attitude and application towards developing their tennis skills.  As a result of the team’s focus and listening skills, they have all developed an understanding of the game, how to hit forehands an