In Art, Year Two have been learning all about collage. To begin, the boys and girls explored what happens when we mix colours. Using the primary colours, the children mixed red and yellow, blue and yellow, and blue and red to create the secondary colours, which they then painted onto a colour wheel.
As part of this terms construction theme, some children created homes for a red squirrel. We talked about what a safe place feels like, what are the dangers of making a home outside and what impact the weather may have. The children used materials that they found in the Forest School and created a v
Over the last two weeks, Year 4 have been looking at Christianity and the miracles of Jesus, along with pilgrimages to sites where miracles are alleged to have taken place. We also looked at some modern day miracles to debate whether we thought they really do exist. The children always find this t
Over the past two weeks in Art, the children have been exploring different methods of printing. We have focussed on monoprinting and stamp block printing. First, we explored creating textures with the ink using materials such as bubble wrap, corrugated cardboard and felt. The children then used th
One of our schools rules is about being ‘Safe’ and, in Year 6, the children get to visit SafetyWorks! in Newcastle to re-enforce this idea of safety in their everyday life and in how they behave in the community. As children grow older, we recognise that they will encounter different situations and
Last week in Art, the children were introduced to a new artistic method called batik. The children completed a reading exercise to find out more information about batik, including how long it has been used for and in what countries it originated from. Then, we moved on to investigating how differe
In Reception, we have been busy doing lots of activities to develop our gross and fine motor skills. During our P.E. time, the children have been enjoying going on a jungle adventure. Last week, we completed a fitness test to ensure that we were fit to go to the jungle and practiced skills like
This half term, Year Two have been learning about information technology (IT) in computing. They found out that IT is a computer or something that works with a computer. First, the children found out about different types of IT that we use in school. They looked around the classroom and thought abou
Many years ago, computing in schools was about teaching children how to type and to use PowerPoint, Whilst these are still important skills, there is so much more on offer with the current curriculum at Harlow Green. One of the school’s curriculum drivers is ‘Possibilities’ and in computing the chil
This week has seen the start of our art block of work. It all started with learning about primary colours. Every child coloured a red, yellow and blue primary colour wheel. The colouring was so neat! Next the children investigated how they could print with primary colours. They used spon