

The new Year 4 Tennis Club has begun training today, and what a start the children made! After a quick chat about the aims of the club, we were quickly into a warm up to get the heart pumping and the blood flowing. The rackets were then introduced where the the vocabulary was developed to help instr


This week, Year 4 enjoyed a workshop with Bjorn, our visiting Viking, during which we learned about their weaponry, battle formations, how they debated and made decisions and also about some artefacts and traditional Viking games. Over the day, the children had the opportunity to hear about the Viki


This year sees the launch of fountain and calligraphy pens in Year 6. Throughout school, once children have mastered a neat and fluent style of joined writing, they are rewarded with a pen licence. For some children, this can take longer than others, but it is something that we know all  children c


For their construction this week Year 6 children were encouraged to see if they could incorporate a moving part. They were asked to think about using the topography of the land and repurposing objects in an imaginative way. Despite lots of chat in class about the various kinds of motions possible, w


As part of our topic ‘Marvellous Me’, the children in. Reception enjoyed creating their own self portraits. After looking at their reflections in the mirror,  they carefully mixed paint to create their own skin and hair colour.  They then added detail to their faces using oil pastels.  Take a


Everyone in Year One enjoyed our history lessons this week during which they have been learning about Mary Anning, the first person in England to excavate dinosaur fossils. They firstly listened to the story ‘Dinosaur Lady’. They then became artists and drew a detailed portrait of Mary Anning.


Year Two have been learning about maps and their symbols in their Geography lessons this week. First they found out that maps have symbols to make it easier to fit on all the information they need. The children found out that map symbols often look similar to the object they represent. They then use


This week in Year 5, we moved onto our next topic, and for the next two weeks, we are going to be learning all about rivers. To start off our new topic, the children used atlases to identify and locate the most famous rivers in the world. They were given a blank map with rivers from each continent.


Over the past three weeks, the children have enjoyed learning about the place value of 3-digit numbers. They began their learning by representing and partitioning 2-digit numbers before moving on to numbers up to 1,000. The children were then able to partition 3-digit numbers using calculations. The


In Maths, Year Six have completed a unit of work on place value and are now working on calculations. During the Place Value unit of work, the children have developed a clear understanding of what each digit in a number represents within ones, tens hundreds, thousands up to ten million. They are also