

Year One have been having fun with fractions this week. The week started off by learning what half means. We learnt that when we halve a shape we have to split it into two equal parts. Next, the children cut out a square, a circle and a triangle. They folded each shape in half and coloured half of i


This week, Reception have been reading ‘Handa’s Suprise’. We talked about the exotic fruits that Handa placed in her basket and chopped and tasted some of them.  The children then created a class pictogram of their favourites.  After tasting avocado, pineapple, mango, passion fruit, oranges,


In RE, Year Two have been learning about two Islamic celebrations – Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr. They have explored how Muslims celebrate each festival and compared them to other religious festivals. First, the children learned about Ramadan. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and begins


In Science, the boys and girls have been learning about plants. They began by exploring what plants are and recapping the parts of a plant before moving on to learning about the functions of each part. They were able to clearly explain this in their own folding leaflets. After this, each child chose


Over this term, we have been looking at the entertaining topic of digestion – starting with teeth and how they begin the process of chewing, munching, tearing and breaking down the food we eat. We conducted a demonstration involving toothpaste (our saliva and oesophagus) followed by bread (our food)


This term our topic in Year One is “We’re all going on a summer holiday.”  The children have enjoyed talking about their trips to the seaside and how they like building sandcastles on the beach and eating fish and chips.  The pupils have also had the opportunity to learn about seaside holida


In maths, over the last two weeks, the children in Year 6 have been working on co-ordinates and translating and reflecting shapes. They have worked with co-ordinates in all four quadrants, considering when the co-ordinate needs to be positive or negative and have used the principle, ‘along the cor