

Year 6 children had the opportunity to work with their parents this week during a morning dedicated to maths. It was brilliant to see the competition between children and parents in times table dominoes and factors and multiples games – with the children definitely proving the winners. The aim of th


Year One have been investigating different kinds of animals this term and how they can be classified in different ways. We firstly classified animals according to whether it is a mammal, fish, bird or insect. Next, we introduced the terms omnivore, herbivore and carnivore. As part of an experiment t


This half-term, the children in Year 6 have begun using Tinkercad to produce 3D models. They have learnt how to resize, move, rotate and group objects to produce models of different 3D products. This week, they designed a house, producing some fantastic results. With some children moving on to their


This week in Year 5, we moved onto our next topic, and for the next two weeks we are going to be learning all about rivers. To start off our new topic, the children used atlases to identify and locate the most famous rivers in the word. They were given a blank map with rivers from each continent. In


In Geography, Year Two have been learning all about map symbols. They discussed what a map is and what it is used for. Did you know map symbols make reading a map easier? The boys and girls learned that maps are too small to include lots of writing, so symbols are used instead. They went on a hunt a


In Year 3, we have been learning about the ancient Egyptians. The children have been fascinated about this period of history and have enjoyed investigating artefacts from this time . As part of our work, the children have identified the importance of the Nile River to this civilisation and all of th


Welcome back to Reading Stars – ready for 2022-2023. The children have been back three weeks now and have all completed initial assessments on Reading Plus and Accelerated Reader. This gives them a starting level to read from. They have then started to access the programmes by reading different shor


Everyone in Year One enjoyed our history lessons this week. The children are learning about Mary Anning, the first person in England to excavate dinosaur fossils. They firstly listened to the story ‘Dinosaur Lady’. Then they had a go at being a palaeontologist just like Mary Anning. Carefully, they