

Some of the Year Two children have been taking part in a Lego STEM club. Each week they have found out about a different STEM related career and then taken part in an activity to link to these careers. First the children found out about civil engineers and mechanical engineers and completed their ow


In Art this week we’ve been looking at how collage can be used to create quite abstract images of ourselves, whilst our brains can still decipher and understand complex images and make sense of what is sees.  We have looked at work by the artist Deborah Roberts and how she mixes different mediums t


In Art, Year Two have been learning all about tie-dye. Did you know tie-dye has been around for a very long time, but it looks different around the world? First, the children learned about an artist called Yoshiko Wada. She uses a dying technique which is very similar to tie-dye. It is called Shibor


Year One had a fantastic time at Beamish this week and luckily, the weather remained dry. The children were thrilled to be going on a coach at last and after an immensely exciting  bus journey,  we arrived at Beamish. We tried to visit as many places at Beamish as possible. The children visited th


In R.E. the children have been learning about Pentecost. Year 6 were all familiar with the Easter Story, but the events after Jesus’s ascension to heaven were something new to them. They enjoyed finding out about key symbols and their relevance and then completing a storyboard to show the key events


Year 5 and 6 were lucky enough to be visited by the local MP for Gateshead Ian Mearns on Friday. He has been the MP for Gateshead for the past 13 years and has served as a local Councillor for the Saltwell area for over 40 years. Ian shared with the children some of the work that he had done around


In geography this term, the children in Year 3 have been learning about our local area. First, they researched rural and urban areas to identify these different areas. In order to investigate how Harlow Green has changed over time, the children studied a range of historical maps of the area. They we


This unit, in Design and Technology, we have been looking at different food groups, produce from Brazil and made the final product alfajores. We started the unit by getting the children to look at their food diaries and investigate which food groups they could identify in their diet. We recapped the