

Year One were so excited to be introduced to their new text in English.  As it is set in Africa, firstly everyone went on a jungle safari.  The children made safari name badges and then we all took our pretend binoculars and clipboard outside to see which animals we could spot.  Hidden amongst th


In RE, Year Two have been learning all about Ramadan and Eid. They learned that during Ramadan, Muslims fast between sunrise and sunset – this means they’re not allowed to eat or drink anything all day! The children found out that Muslims do this to remind them of people that are less fortunate than


Our termly topic ‘A Sense of Place’  has influenced our art work in Year 3 this term. The children have designed and created a flag for their own castles. Their work began by sketching elements of a castle which were then adapted into symbols. Using these symbols, the children created collagraph bl


Year 6 have been enjoying work on 3D art. They studied the work of Henry Moore and Giacometti and were surprised by the simplicity of the names like ‘Reclining Figure’ and ‘Pointing Man.’ They had expected them to be far more artistic and flamboyant. They looked carefully at the different styles and


Reading continues to be a key focus in school – it opens so many doors and allows the children to explore other curriculum subjects. But, perhaps more importantly, it allows them to immerse themselves in book, magazines, comics and newspapers simply for the pleasure of reading. Our two, KS2 reading


We had a great trip to Pizza Express this morning, not just the excitement of the bus, and the shops in the Metro Centre, but also the chance to learn about pizza making, kneading the dough, adding the toppings and trying other toppings like olives, chilli and sun dried tomato…and the fact we got


In RE, we have been learning about the different festivals held in the Hindu religion.  Last Friday, the children looked at the festival of Navratri and learned that this festival celebrates good over evil. The festival of Navratri is celebrated at the end of September or the beginning of October;