

This term in Maths we introduce a lot of new concepts to the children, starting with more formal methods of short division, then developing their knowledge of fractions and starting decimals.  This week we have been using the counters in lessons to look at division with remainders.  Dividing 5 by


This term, some of the children in Year Two have been taking part in Lego Club. For the last two weeks, the children have been using Lego baseplates and bricks to create Lego mazes. First, the children were given one square baseplate and were asked to create a maze using the bricks provided. At firs


This week we have started our studies all about the Hindu faith.  We looked at key symbols, beliefs and locations of the Hindu faith including its origin and the range of Gods and Goddesses. We looked more closely at some of the different forms, features and qualities that the Gods had and how and


This week, in Geography, we started our new unit of ‘Human and physical geography within a region of South America and the UK’. The children started the topic by locating South America on a world map. Once we had located South America, we took a closer look at the countries within it, focusing on Ar


During PSHE lessons, Year 6 have been discussing the importance of mental health and ensuring that they are aware of how to keep mentally healthy and also how to ask for help if they feel that they need it. They have come up with many ways to help promote a healthy mindset and have produced posters