

This week saw a change of pace at Angel Court. Hannah Shaw, a printmaker, came to run a creative session inspired by the wood carvings of Thomas Bewick. First the children looked at some of his books, using magnifiers to hone in on the details. They discussed how much texture and movement he managed


Pebbles Pebbles Pebbles The children in the Nursery enjoyed collecting pebbles for their homework. When we came back to Nursery we explored the pebbles and discussed where we collected them from and used our senses to describe them. We then read the story ‘Peters Pebbles’, which is a story about a l


Holidays Holidays Holidays The children in Nursery have enjoyed talking about different kinds of holidays, where they could go, where they would like to go, where they would stay and how they would get there! The nursery has enjoyed pretending to be on planes and trains and writing tickets to each o


In History, Year Two have been learning about famous explorers. First, they learned about the adventures of Ibn Battuta. Even though he was born a very long time ago, he travelled to many places including China and Africa. The boys and girls found out that his adventures weren’t without their challe


Our Geography topic this half term involves comparing two different European countries.  Since we already know so much about Ancient Greece, it is good to look at modern Greece as a comparison!  This week we started by looking at the climate zones, how this is likely to impact on the way people li


This week Reception have been learning all about life cycles as part of our continued topic this term ‘Explorers Outdoors’. It has been an extremely exciting week as we received a delivery of tiny caterpillars which we are looking forward to watching grow over the next few weeks. The children learnt


This week we have been studying design and technology.  It all started by investigating which foods are healthy and which are unhealthy.  The pupils all decided that fruit was a healthy option and we used this as a basis for our design for fruit kebabs.  Everyone primarily designed their kebab us


This half term, Year 5 have been learning how to describe the weather in French.  In each lesson, the children had the opportunity to practise the skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening in the target language. At first, the children learnt 9 key phrases to describe different types of we


In English, Year Two have started to read their new book, The Snail and the Whale. Before they could start learning about their book, the children had to follow clues to find it. The clues were hidden all around the classroom – on the sink, next to the globe and behind a door. The boys and girls lis