Our new text in English this term, is the classic children’s novel ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes. During our first reading week, the children began by making predictions about the story based on different versions of the book’s front cover. They identified clues given by the title, characters and set
Year Two have been learning about measuring mass in Maths. First, the children learnt that we measure mass in grams and kilograms. Then, they started looking at scales that went up in divisions of 1, 2, 5 and 10 and reading off the mass in grams and in kilograms. They also learnt how to identify mas
As we head into Spring (although you might not know it by the weather) there are a lot of new release children’s books hitting the shops. Even as an adult, I love the chance to look at the latest authors and book titles and can often find myself buying “children’s” books for me to read. I am a huge
For the last two weeks in maths, Year 6 have been learning about fractions, decimals and percentages. Firstly, the children had to become familiar with percentage, decimal and fraction equivalents. Knowing these equivalences allowed the children to compare and order a them. The children then used
Since returning from half-term, the children will all have completed a Star Reader test. This is used to assess their reading and to give them a new level for Accelerated Reader. There is always great excitement when children move up levels and have access to new reading material. Just to remind par
On Tuesday, we were privileged to receive a visit from the Worshipful Mayor of Gateshead Councillor Dot Burnett. The children were excited to see our VIP visitor as she was given a tour of the school by our head boy and head girl. Madam Mayor then lead an assembly for our year five and six pupils
This week we have been doing some Design and Technology and in particular focussing on weaving. Our project is to design and then make a table mat. Before making our animal shaped table mats, we designed them and talked about what equipment we would need. Finally we started weaving our table mat
Year 2 spent the first part of their Forest School session in the woods playing a game of Kestrel and the Mice. This speedy hiding game encourages the children to experience what it might be like to be hunted by a bird of prey. Some, like the Sparrowhawk can go from 0-50 kph in 2 seconds and can hov
Reception children went out into the beautiful snow this morning. No wind just buckets of snow. What delight they took in catching it in their mouths! Staring straight up into it and seeing how many flakes you can count. Can you beat 36? Creating snow angels. Then we did some creeping in the woods.
Today we went on a trip to the IKSON Hindu Temple on Westgate Road. The visit to the Mandir is part of our RE focus this term on the Hindu faith and Kirtida the priest always welcomes us with a range of activities including drumming, dressing up, listening to some singing and the Puja prayer cerem