This week in Art, the children have been investigating colour. To start, the children were introduced to an artist who uses different shades to create contrasting backgrounds. Then, the children investigated different shades of a primary colour by gradually adding white to create a lighter shade and
In Year 4 this term, we have been learning all about editing photos. First, the children thought about the positives and the negatives of photo editing. The children realised that photo editing could mean they don’t see the whole picture, or that the picture is completely faked! We realised that we
Year One have been so excited to use the laptops this term. It all started with the children learning the different parts of a laptop computer and a desktop computer – screen, keyboard, trackpad/mouse. Then the children were taught how to log into Purple Mash. Next, we focused on controlling the t
This week in Maths, the children have been learning how to measure in centimeters, millimeters and meters. In the classroom, they have practiced reading the cm and mm scales on rulers then used them to measure the length of different lines and objects on their tables. On Thursday, year 3 went outsid
Over the past two weeks in Maths, Year Six have been learning about algebra. This is a challenging block of work which the children have completed with an positive and resilient attitude. To begin with, the children worked on find missing numbers. Then, they identified that numbers in a pattern or s
Our musical journey continued with Tobias, from Equal Arts. The children practiced playing percussion instruments and learning about pitch and tempo. They composed music using pictures to represent specific sounds. This week also saw the return of Kath to our Friday sessions. When the children came
Reception children are learning about the feeding habits of birds Forest School style. Off to the field to build a big nest together, working the grass and branches round and around to create the shape. Sticks were placed inside to represent the hungry chicks, then it was off into the woods to find
This week in Reception, we have been looking at different types of transport as part of our topic on Journeys. The children have discussed how they travel to school and what journey they take, sharing this on Tapestry as well as creating a pictogram of how we travel to school on Purple Mash. The chi
This week, in Maths, we have started our second unit of Fractions. The children started the week by learning how to multiply a unit fraction by an integer before moving onto multiplying a non unit fraction by an integer. We finished the week by furthering our knowledge to multiplying a mixed number
In Geography, Year Two have been learning all about life in rural Uganda. In their first lesson, the children learned to identify the difference between a rural area and an urban area. They sorted pictures to show that rural areas are often in the countryside and urban areas are towns or cities. Fro